Zen and The Art of Automobile Maintenance

Automobile maintenance is essentially about making sure that your car functions at the optimum level. Sadly, a lot of owners either excuse themselves by being too busy or too lazy to subject their vehicles to the discipline of upkeep. It would help to meditate on the idea a little bit, as the activity of maintaining your car is similar to the practice of Zen: one needs to be calm and collected, focused and restrained.

Image sources: prnewswire.com

This process is an indeed artful one, a careful examination premised more on foresight rather than immediate consequence, prevention rather than cure. Think of the popular car-care term BLOWFATCH and subscribe to its tenets. Each letter corresponds to one or more aspect of automobile maintenance (from battery and breaks to horn and hoses). It literally pays to think ahead, to avoid complications that might lead to extensive and expensive repairs in the future.

There are tons of tips and specific advice out there, but our concern here is more about the general, canopy attitude we have for our cars. Because possible issues with alternators and carburetors, leaks and light, fuel, water, and oil will only become problems if, at the back of our minds, they are inevitable because we let them happen.

Just like how ants adjust to the seasons by collecting food in the sun-filled months, the prepared driver understands that precautions and other car-care regimen precede troubleshooting, simply because the latter is premised on the word “trouble.” So why get there in the first place?

Image sources: youtube.com

Accelerated Service International has been focusing on automobile dealerships, financial institutions, and the agents who serve them, for over 20 years. The company delivers a plethora of benefits to agents, including the Agent Survival Kit, a set of key tools to help close sales pitches. For more write-ups about car care and vehicle maintenance, drop by this blog.

Back to basics: How to keep your car in tiptop shape

Taking care of a car involves not just taking it to the experts for regular maintenance and preparation for emergencies, but also developing basic habits to keep it in great shape. For beginners or first-time car owners, here are some handy tips:

Image source: Pixabay.com

Periodically refer to the owner’s manual for a whole range of advice, from air bag safety to installing the child seat. For more complicated questions, refer to your auto care professional. Keep an eye on the fluid, keeping the motor oil, power steering fluid, and coolant topped off in order to maintain food car performance. Check the owner’s manual for further tips or ask for assistance from your local mechanic.

“Watch” the warning lights, which will tell you if you forgot to replace the gas cap or if one of your tires is already running low on air. Correct tire pressure is also necessary to handle the vehicle properly and to minimize risk for premature wear and tire blowouts. Check tire pressure once a month and add the needed air. Never overinflate.

Inspect exterior and interior light once a month, and perform a walk-around for body damage, wiper blade condition, abnormal tire marks, and lock and window conditions. It’s also critical to always keep the car clean: wash it regularly, keep the interior free from debris, vacuum the floors, and remove leaves and other matter from vents.

Pay attention to the way the car operates normally and if it’s deviating from it. Listen to it: it will make abnormal sounds to tell you it’s time for another trip to the car care center. Find a mechanic you can trust and with whom you can build a lasting relationship.

Image source: Pixabay.com

Accelerated Service International tailors its expertise to serve the business needs of automobile dealerships, financial institutions, and agents. It has been serving these institutions for over 20 years. Read more about the automotive industry on this page.