What You Need To Know About Changing Oil

Car owners are often told they need to change motor oil once it reaches a certain milestone, like every 7,500 to 10,000 miles of usage. But besides this, what else do car owners need to know about changing oil?

Image source: http://www.readersdigest.ca

Experts weigh in on this issue as each have their own takes on the factors affecting this activity. Sometimes, it’s the make of the car, other times the driving habits are the determinants.

According to the Ford Motor Company, owners of 2008 models or newer should change their oil every 7,500 miles, or every six months, whichever comes first. However, people who drive less should adjust to changing their oil every 5,000 miles.

David Waits, the owner of Japanese Automotive Service in Hilliard, Ohio, claims that the worst type of driving for oil life is that of distances below highway speeds. According to his estimates, it would be better for a car to travel 5,000 miles in five months on highway speeds rather than 1,500 miles of in-town driving for five months.

A common indicator of a need to change oil is engine noise. Since oil lubricates your engine, a noisy engine is a telltale sign of gritty oil. The longer you drive like this, the bigger the risk of engine problems.

Image source: https://carfromjapan.com

Lastly, keep tabs on your last oil change session.

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